New date: 3rd April (previously advertised for 30th January)
This workshop is available as a bespoke workshop (either online or face to face) for your setting or up to three staff members can attend this scheduled on-line session.
"A curriculum is what you want the children to learn in the time they are with you.” Department for Education, 2024.
This workshop aims to provide you with the knowledge and confidence to create a curriculum for your setting whilst being responsive to your children’s needs and reflecting the families and community you are working with. Your curriculum will be based on the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage, which will give you the framework to build it on. You will decide what you want your children to learn, the activities and experiences you want to do with them and how your setting can support their learning. Bringing together your curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, the aim is for every child to experience high-quality care and education.
This workshop provides settings with an opportunity to:
This course can be run as a bespoke session for your setting as a whole, or as one of our scheduled workshops. (Places are limited to three people per setting on our scheduled dates.) If more than three people from your setting wish to attend then we would recommend a bespoke session.
Suitable For: All Early Years Practitioners
Date: Thursday 3rd April
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Venue: online
Cost: For bookings made -
* Places must be booked and invoices must be settled by 5th January. After this date all unsettled invoices will be amended to the 2025 rate. No refunds or credits are available to any bookings made under 2024 prices, however, changes to the name of the attendee will be free.
(if you require more than 3 places for this training then we would recommend booking a bespoke session - please email
Important additional Information:
Address: Chequers Bridge Centre, Painswick Road, Gloucester, GL4 6PR
Phone: 01452 541244 Email: © 2025 PATA (UK)
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